Hochschule Merseburg
4460052 Übung: 2/4.2.9 How to Communicate in a Solution-focused Way - Details
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Veranstaltungsnummer 4460052
Semester SoSe 2021
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 9
erwartete Teilnehmendenanzahl 18
Heimat-Einrichtung Soziale Arbeit.Medien.Kultur
Veranstaltungstyp Übung in der Kategorie Veranstaltungen
Erster Termin Mo , 09.08.2021 09:15 - 16:45
Teilnehmende registration via HoMe Portal: 20.03.2021 ab 13:00 Uhr
Lernorganisation The seminar will take place in presence, if this is not possible, it will be held as an online synchronous seminar with ZOOM.
Leistungsnachweis Continuous and active participation in all four days in the exercises and the discussions, as well as the implementation of a method in practice including a written reflection (deadline November 30) about it are prerequisites for the receipt of the credits.

registration for the exam: "Social Work, Media and Culture - an Interdisciplinary Approach"
Gruppen BKMP2,BSA2
ECTS-Punkte 2,5

Veranstaltungsort / Veranstaltungszeiten

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Talking to each other is an important form of professional communication (there are of course others as well). This concerns small talk as well as serious listening, mutual counselling or negotiations. In this seminar you will learn some methods from the solution-focused approach with which you can expand your consulting and negotiation skills. In addition to a little bit of theory, we will also practice in practice. The seminar will only succeed with the active participation of all participants.

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